Catherine Urban Astrology

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Astrology Report for April 2016, Pt II: A Warrior's Passion

*All times are read for Eastern Daylight time, for Pacific Daylight time, subtract 3 hours

The planets are preparing for battle, and so are we. Three planets are slowing down as we speak, gathering fierce momentum as they prepare for retrograde motion: Mars (God of War), Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) and Mercury (the Divine Messenger). The fabled battle between the light and darkness  is very real, experienced both on a collective and individual level. As I study the astrological climate, the Trojan War comes to mind. The rage of Achilles clashing with the divine shakti of Kali─the ecstasy of destruction and rebirth

Last week, I mentioned that we would have a lot of Uranian energy: surprises, shake-ups, combustion, and commotions. But what I didn’t mention was that Eris was a part of that package…

Eris is the Goddess of discord and strife. She is the sister of Ares/Mars and mother to the Kakodaimones, (plagues of mankind); she seethes with rage and is capable of abominable wreckage. Eris has a greater mass than Pluto, and upon her discovery, unleashed chaos upon the International Astronomical Union, which of course resulted in Pluto’s demotion to a dwarf planet. If she can’t be invited to the party, she will make sure others won’t be attending either─ as was the case in the myth of the Golden Apple, in which Eris essentially caused the Trojan War!

Eris embodies the archetype of the enraged feminine.  Society places great emphasis on a woman’s beauty, grace and softness, ignoring the infinite aspects of womanhood. We are emotional beings! We feel a myriad of emotions, not just the pretty ones. And if unexpressed, they get pent up. Menstruation is one healthy release for all that we take in (as well as multiple orgasms), but sometimes we need to vent, cry, scream and destroy. Release is super healthy for the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Last week, a woman posted pictures of herself before and after her panic attack. Her post went viral because it was a raw expression of this energy. So if you became an enraged woman (or man!) last week, good for you! You probably feel much lighter now.

Everyone becomes a fierce warrior for the next few weeks. What is your cause? 

In other news,

Mercury is travelling with Vesta through the first week of May. This is excellent for house projects and working in the garden. Make it a meditation. This is excellent energy for ritual and tending one’s sacred soul flame.

Mercury and Pluto are in a grand trine with the North Node of Destiny until the first week of June. This is helpful for finding solutions to long term issues, specifically with the mind. Many people who have put off seeking help may do so over the next 7 weeks. 

Saturday April 16th, launch anything new or important before 1:48 pm when the Moon goes void in Leo. It’s an excellent day for home projects and working in the yard (weather permitting), but also play! The Moon enters Virgo at 7:23 pm. The day will be more active than the evening, I would imagine. The Virgo Moon is a bit more cautious and discerning. Unless one has the “perfect” evening planned, it’s an evening of keeping it simple.

Sunday, April 17th and Monday, April 18th, Mars and Pluto station retrograde. This is a very potent energy which could express itself in two different extremes: Combined, we see themes of rage, destruction, mutiny, violation, and revenge. The higher expression is that of the rainbow warrior: heroism, passion towards a cause, and fighting for positive change, both in the world and in your own personal experience. Additionally, this combo will intensify feelings over the next few days. Whatever you are feeling will be amplified so choose your thoughts carefully.

For a personalized explanation as to what Mars retrograde will do for you,  

​check out my article at

The Art of Yoga…

The Moon is Void all day on Monday. So the workweek begins to an anticlimactic start. It can still be a productive day if used for following through and catching up. Hold off on beginning anything new until tomorrow, if possible. You will have an easier time getting it off the ground if you are able to wait. Venus trines Saturn: this is a mutually beneficial commitment, or a solidifying of a relationship. This could be any kind of relationship: business, friendship or romance. So, to reiterate, this is a great day for following through with others!

Tuesday, April 19th, the Moon arrives on the Libra balance beam. Libra is a social air sign, ruling relationships. And relating is all about balance! Share the spotlight, engage and support one another.

The Sun enters the sensual sign of Taurus. This is the time of year that we begin to smell the roses... and get ambushed by pollen! We appreciate all of the colors, the smells, even the feeling of grass between our toes. It’s probably more pleasant weather by now, so we may want to indulge on a patio somewhere. Taurus is an earth sign, therefore ruling the physical body. Now that we are getting closer to summer, many of us want to take care of our bodies more. This is when we see the most people running outside.

Venus squares Pluto today, also. We may have a tendency to obsess. This can be concerning an intense love, passion or situation. This could also beget the memory of a past love. A sudden realization may spur us to prioritize differently. This aspect will continue through tomorrow when it’s activated by the Moon. Whatever comes to light gets integrated on Wednesday, April 20th, when Venus trines Saturn. Wednesday can also be super rewarding if we do what brings us joy.

Thursday, April 21st, the Moon is void for the entire day. Long void periods are helpful for integration. Fortunately, their arrival is usually timely, emerging in the wake of crazy transits that rock our world. Today is colored by rebellious Uranus. Say “no” to limitations, break your routine, follow your wild heart. Shake free of constricting emotions or habits. Find a way. Run away if you must.  

Friday, April 22nd: FULL MOON 3⁰ Scorpio, 1:24 am. The Scorpio/Taurus polarity is ruled by Venus, Mars and Pluto, who have been especially vocal this month. This polarity is about commitment, deep merging, shared finances, and shared values. Also a deeply passionate combo, we participate by choosing. Venus conjoins Uranus, so we could actually witness a lot of splits. One person might decide that they don’t have enough freedom. This could  indicate a reworking of the relationship dynamic, whether spoken or unspoken, which, in turn, supports the happiness of the whole. This energy manifests in our individual relationships, but also within the collective. The issue has been raised regarding money in politics. This story will further unfold under the Full Moon's influence.  People will behave rebelliously.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is the “raising of a house,” and “steps up to a lawn blooming in clover.” Here we see our efforts beginning to manifest. The skeleton of our structure stands, but it already feels like home. The Moon trines Neptune: Our dream is finally manifesting. What more can we do to flesh it out? We may have to alter the original plan a bit. Venus conjoins Uranus. This is a breaking free energy. Pay attention to who you meet. You might meet someone truly inspiring, or someone who encourages a new way of thinking or doing.

Saturday, April 23rd, there’s a Yod formation. The Yod, also known as the Finger of God, is an aspect of fate. Something is meant to come of this on a collective level. Venus and Uranus sit at the apex, a financial revolution, or a revolution of collective values. The Moon and the North Node of Destiny anchor the other corners. I suspect major protests today from the Democracy Spring group, as well as others. The revolution will not be televised.

Sunday, April 24th, should be a quiet day. We sure need one of these! The Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:46 am, but makes no major aspects. While the Moon is not technically void, it can still be a day of integration, rest and playing.

Monday, April 25th, the Moon sets off the Mutable T-square that I’ve been speaking about for almost a year. Involved are Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune. This is all about truth vs. reality. Amongst the chatter over dimensional jumping and parallel realities, perception is truly everything! Which timeline do you want to be a part of? One rooted in consciousness and preservation of the Earth’s beauty, or another that takes advantage of the Earth, fueled by greed? The only thing you take to your grave is your karma.

But I’m guessing that if you are reading this, you probably have already chosen the path of consciousness─- which is why we study astrology; we want to understand the universe and our place in it.

On a personal level, this T-square is helping us to ground our dream into reality. In order to do that, we have to both dream big, and also make adjustments to smoosh it down through the 3rd dimensional peg hole. This T-square formation also suggests a period of smoke and mirrors. We can get idealistic and overly optimistic. Sometimes, that’s all you need to succeed! The caution is being easily duped. During this time, it is of utmost importance to exercise discernment. But also, dare to dream big!

Tuesday, April 26th, Pallas Athena enters Pisces. There is a push to heal collective wounds. Wounds around the water crisis, the plastic in the oceans, the oppression of peoples, and the deception keeping us separate from one another. There will be a surge of people actively working to find solutions.

The Moon goes void in Sag at 11:51 am. Get anything new and important off the ground before then. The void is colored by Venus in Aries: personal values, and relating to others. The Moon then enters Capricorn at 7:54 pm. We are ready to plan and strategize.

Wednesday, April 27th, the Capricorn moon encourages productivity, practicality and follow though. Today is a great day for finding empowering solutions and working towards one’s goals. We are optimistic and seeing possibilities.

Thursday, April 28th, the Moon conjoins Pluto in the wee hours of the morning. Don’t be surprised if the day starts off heavy. Rest assured that the mood should lighten later in the day when the Moon squares Uranus. New ideas flow in; we feel uplifted and more inspired.

Mercury turns retrograde…again!!! Mercury retrograde, as we all know is a time where usual communication gets distorted. Double check text messages, emails and make sure to clarify yourself to prevent misunderstandings. When Mercury retrogrades in Earth signs, the gadgets themselves are endangered. Protect your phone with a durable case, back up photos and important information should your electronics bite the dust! Take care of your car and watch out for broken glass when riding your bike. Remember, Mercury also rules alchemy. During this time we are shown clues as to how we can become more efficient. Pay attention and integrate, if you will. Where will Mercury retrograde take place? Read for your Sun sign and rising sign, if you know it. Mercury remains retrograde until turning direct on May 22nd.

Aries: Mercury retrogrades in your realm of finances and values. Don’t press “confirm” twice, or you might end up with two of everything you ordered and get charged accordingly. Rework your balance of saving and spending, and how.

Taurus: Mercury retrogrades in your sign, Taurus! The slip ups will be on you! Be extra mindful in personal exchanges, and give yourself plenty of extra time to get to work. Discoveries help you make minor adjustments in your communication with the world. 

Gemini: Mercury retrogrades in the realm of your subconscious. Things you thought you already dealt with come up for review. Release, make peace; purge, renew.

Cancer: Mercury retrogrades in the realm of friendships, groups, and shared enjoyment. Perhaps a friend comes back from the past or you decide to rejoin a group you used to enjoy. This is a time of review for current friendships and groups.

Leo: Mercury retrogrades in your realm of career and reputation. Perhaps there are changes underway in your place of work. This isn’t the best time to begin a new job, so if you feel that its time to make a move, it’s best to wait until May 22nd, if possible. Plan accordingly.

Virgo: Are you thinking about going back to school or studying something new? Mercury will have an extended stay in the realm of your higher mind. This is an optimal period to practice meditation and listening. Explore and learn.

Libra: Finances and joint resources. Lucky you! Mars is retrograding in your other money house, so it’s time to balance your expenses! This is the year that you align your finances with your goals. Review the current plan and improve it. Avoid combining resources until after May 22nd. In the meantime, make a plan and double check the pending agreement.

Scorpio: Mercury retrogrades in your house of partnership. All partnerships are up for review. See what you can adjust to improve the dynamic for everyone.

Sagittarius: your health and routine are calling for some extra attention. This could be anxiety or nerves as well. Maybe you need some extra rest. Or perhaps you need to manage your time better. If you've been busting your hump, indulge in a "treat yo self" day.

Capricorn: Mercury retrogrades in the house of self-expression and children. If you are a parent, your child may need some extra attention during this time. If its not a child, then its you who needs to play more! This is also the house of romance. Perhaps an old flame is reignited─ either with another person, or for the love of an enjoyable activity.

Aquarius: Mercury retrogrades in your home! What projects have you been putting off? If you choose to begin any big projects, remember the rule, “measure twice, cut once!!” Especially during Mercury retrograde. Boy, is he a trickster! This is not the optimal time to move or sign important documents, but time won’t wait! So in order to compensate, read all of the fine print and never assume anything. Double check on everything.

Pisces: Mercury retrogrades in your third house of the mind, communication and siblings. Maybe it’s a sibling who has a drama. More than anyone else, protect your gadgets, and double check your texts and emails, Pisces!!!

Friday, April 29th, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus. It’s time to appreciate the beauty all around us. Venus in Taurus is the quintessential expression of the sensual feminine. Her inner beauty radiates outward; she tends her garden, defends her herd and has superb taste. People with Venus in Taurus have an extra refined palate and an intuitive sense of aesthetic. So now we are all taking notes from this goddess. Treasure your loved ones, and enjoy the simple things in life─ with gusto!

The Moon is in quirky, inventive Aquarius today. For the next couple of days, break your routine if you feel inspired to do so. You never know what discoveries you might find!

Saturday, April 30th, the Moon remains in unpredictable Aquarius. Chances are you are feeling playful, wild and social. Do something fun with friends that’s spontaneous or out of the ordinary. Satisfy your inner rebel! It’s also a day for focusing on the future and discovering inventive solutions, although they usually come unexpectedly! Call in this clarity with unusual behavior! 

From the teachings of Don Juan, in regards to the warrior spirit:

I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have

nothing to defend.

I have no thoughts, so I will see.

I fear nothing, so I will remember myself.

Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free...

Infinite Blessings and Love,


*All images graciously borrowed from Google.