Become Versed in Astrology

You can learn a lot about astrology on the internet, but at a certain point, finding your astrology teachers is an invaluable step toward a more wholesome astrological framework. For many people, a classroom environment is often the most conducive to accelerating your knowledge - but also, building relationships with colleagues is hugely supportive. We astrologers need other folks who speak our language!

Currently, I offer three core mentorship courses, as well as Cauldron, a monthly program specially designed for intermediate practitioners who crave deeper immersion in the astrological arts. This group supports the integration of new astrological techniques and builds community with fellow astrologers.

Currently, the Power of Progressions mentorship program for is available for download - ideal for students who prefer to “go-at-your-own-pace.” The Foundations of Astrology Course and Timing with Transits offer a blend of live tutorials and pre-recorded modules, along with integrative prompts and access to a Discord forum where attendees can converse, ask questions and synthesize concepts together.


Astrological Mentoring

For students who desire one-on-one technical instruction or peer support, you have the option to schedule 30-minute and 60-minute sessions with me. This option is for current students only and is not a substitute for an astrological reading. Just fill out the form and let me know what you’d like our session to focus on!
