Uranus Stations Retrograde

Uranus is the planet who insists on differentiation. Would ya just look at him? Spinning on his side?! Typical. Uranus is the  planet who resists conformity, walking in line and following pointless orders. Uranus is the one who challenges, continues to question and refuses to be fenced in. 


The Awakener

How many of you have gotten a wake-up call in the past few weeks? We have a whole montage of planetary aspects ensuring that we all get one - big or small. ​But get ready for another round... To recap,  Eclipse season is still not over. When the steady flow of light gets disrupted, we are able to see things in a totally new way. "I never saw it that way before....OMG!"

Of all the retrograde planets, MARS RETROGRADE is by far the most important. We are reevaluating the ways  DESIRE and PASSION are playing out in our lives. Are you happy with your work, relationships, lifestyle? Are you following your dreams to the degree that you should? Mars retrograde is CLARIFYING. If you've been wanting something for a long time, but you've been putting it off, NOW is when you'll go after it. 

​​But Mars is not working alone. Oh no. Mars has been square to Uranus through much of the retrograde and now this combo is going to be royally activated once Uranus stations retrograde on August 7th.

Impatience, rebellion, freedom, independence, radical changes, revolutionary, bold, impulsive, electric, fiery, breaking chains, breaking up, breaking free, breaking household objects, retaliatory, wild, defiant, being radically truthful, saying no, refusal to continue something soul-crushing any longer... the nervous system, erratic energy/exhaustion...

​...these are all symptoms of the Mars-Uranus energy. Though it probably goes without saying that some of these manifestations might be more constructive than the others. But the point is to honor  this energy if it shows up - in the way that serves you the most. Uranus is the AWAKENER.

*ERRRRRR!!!!* are you paying attention????

Radical Change

Uranus teaming up with Mars retrograde can bring sweeping changes into our lives (if need be). If you are a regular reader of my column, you'll notice that things are looking a little different around here - and the changes ain't over yet.

BIG CHANGES are going on behind the scenes on my end. And until Mars goes forward, I will continue to gain clarity on how I'd like to move forward. You all might be doing the same. 

I wish you all the freedom you deserve to live in even more alignment with you truth. May this week's planetary shifts serve you greatly!

All the Blessings,

