Happy New Year! Astrology, 2020, and your year ahead

We’re all expecting 2020 to be a big year

And already, 2020 kicks off between two eclipses - cosmic course correctors and harbingers of seemingly fated events. But before you bite your nails off, I will assure you that while eclipses can certainly be stressful, I’ve witnessed them to bring positive change and help us break out of constricting patterns. Eclipses are the closest thing I’ve seen in real life to imitate the Ancient Greek concept of deux machina - when the Gods save the day at the end of the play.

To whet your palate, here’s some thirst quenching January 2020 horoscopes I wrote for BonAppetit.com, and for Domino.com, a glimpse at what 2020 offers your sign, with a side of New Year’s resolutions!

Bon Appetit January Horoscopes ft Taurus’s Recess CBD infused seltzer water

Bon Appetit January Horoscopes ft Taurus’s Recess CBD infused seltzer water

To whet your palate, here’s some thirst quenching January 2020 horoscopes I wrote for BonAppetit.com, and for Domino.com, a glimpse at what 2020 offers your sign, with a side of New Year’s resolutions!

At the beginning of December, fellow Cleveland astrologer, Diane Trimbath (NCGR-PAA IV) delivered the keynote address for LCAA’s annual holiday banquet. She gave detailed predictions for each sign in 2020. Click here for the recording!

Additionally, on one of our more recent podcasts of The Fallen Fruit, I unpack the astrology of January 2020. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is one of the defining aspects of the year. This aspect will be in close orb all year long, however, January is the main event.

Take a listen to The Fallen Fruit Podcast now: Calling the Light, the Winter Solstice + Astrology of January 2020

This upcoming weekend, I’m offering two special looks into 2020.

Saturday, I’m hosting a marathon of mini readings focused on the major aspects of 2020 and how they work with you on a deeply personal and transformative level. Click here to book!

On Sunday, Stephanie Ginese, Lynette Ramos and I will come together LIVE via @thefallenfruitpodcast on Instagram to offer mini oracle, tarot and astrology insights for each sign of the zodiac! We will go live around 1:30 pm ET!