Grounding Down- The Nodal Shift from Gemini-Sagittarius to Taurus-Scorpio

Eclipse season is back! And this upcoming eclipse season is expected to bring a notable level of excitement. Firstly, we are wrapping up an 18-month series of eclipses occurring within the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity which began on June 5th, 2020. Secondly, a new series of eclipses arrives, introducing a whole new set of collective and personal themes within the Taurus-Scorpio axis. As the primary cycle concludes, we can expect consolidating yet eye-opening “aha’s” with the final Sagittarius eclipse on December 3rd and 4th. We will not see another eclipse in this polarity for another 8 years. But before that final showstopping solar eclipse, we will see the amplification of new themes.

In this article, we will elaborate on these two eclipses – the simultaneous wrap up of one series and initiation of another.

It should be noted that the overlapping of two eclipse series is extremely common, and it occurs when the lunar nodes border the cusp of two zodiac sigs (well, technically four signs as there is a north and a south node). Currently, the lunar nodes occupy 1°42’ of Gemini and Sagittarius and will remain relatively fixed in this position for the duration of the eclipse season. Eclipses occur when we have a new moon within 18° of the lunar nodes or a full moon within 15° of the lunar nodes – regardless of the sign boundary. Thus, it’s not of unusual significance that our first lunar eclipse occurs in a different sign from the nodes, however, we can distinguish this celestial season as somewhat of a bridge. Simultaneous story lines are showing up in a big way, which can certainly intensify the collective experience.  

The lunar nodes will officially shift into Taurus-Scorpio on January 18th, 2022, the same day which Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Indeed, the north node arrives in Taurus with a booming welcome!


Lunar Eclipse: November 19th, 2021: 27°14’Taurus

Total Solar Eclipse: December 3rd/4t, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius

North Node in Taurus: January 18th, 2022 -


Lunar Eclipse: 11/19/21, 27°14’Taurus, conjunct Algol

Not only is this the first eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio polarity, but it also activates the Medusa Star, Algol. Also known as the blinking demon eye, Algol is reputed for its provocative and maddening prowess. In the myth of Perseus and Medusa, Medusa is a beautiful maiden who is worshipping in chaste Athena’s temple. Poseidon is overtaken with her allure and ravishes her upon the virginal maiden’s altar. Athena then punishes Medusa and turns her into a hideous monster whose shameful ugly glare will turn onlookers to stone. Is Athena a slut-shaming patriarchal sympathizer or is she simply naïve and initiated into the mysteries of sexuality? Being punished for the acts of her oppressor, its no wonder Medusa is monstrously transfigured. Not only does Athena facilitate this shift, but she also equips Perseus with the sword and shield which slays her. Perseus decapitates Medusa, lending Algol’s signification of losing one’s head. Literally and figuratively, of course. The Medusa placement is indeed a powerful one.

Eclipses often have an intensification quality where life (and the world) seem to go a little crazier, but doubly so with this eclipse.

While many of us were paid to stay home and minimize our engagements over the past couple of years, many folks have not been afforded that luxury. We are reaching a threshold of burnout amongst our healing professionals who are understaffed, over-worked and who have faced extreme emotional taxation. Therapists, nurses, bodyworkers, fast-food workers, teachers and beyond… we are not seeing this crisis solve itself. In fact, the pressure is increasing. My colleague and student Lauren Ferns recently pointed out that many pioneering psychoanalysts have prominent Taurus placements, and that this next eclipse cycle could bring innovations in the field – while also highlighting the discussion around mental health during a time when we are all collectively reeling.

Algol can correspond with the reaching a breaking point. It’s important to note that next spring brings yet another eclipse which will activate Algol, but this time from across the pond in the sign of Scorpio. We will be working intimately with her energy for a while! And again when Uranus arrives at her threshold in 2024-2025. It should be noted that Algol also represents a potent activation of bossing up to one’s potency. My colleague Amaya Rourke has shared a lot about this phenomenon and I’ve also observed this pattern a lot in my progressions work. Elizabeth II was crowned, Richard Alpert became Ram Dass and Maya Angelou published “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” as their progressed Suns aligned with Algol.

Another prominent theme I see repeatedly with Algol is “potency.” She represents a fierce primal power, like the creative kundalini lifeforce (as reflected in her serpentine strands). Venomous or exalting? The direction of this potency depends on the intentions of the beholder.

The Relationship of Complexity and Simplicity

It’s my belief that the eventual broadening of the eclipses into Scorpio will expose the magnitude of collective trauma we’ve all endured. When one is actively engaged in the traumatic experience, our bodies and minds enter survival mode. It’s not until later do we realize the vastness of its degenerative effects on our systems. I see this upcoming 18-month journey of Taurus-Scorpio eclipses as one of reconciliation and remediation on an individual and collective level – particularly for those who have been holding us up the most – our nurses, therapists, teachers, healers and our grocery-store workers – and those who have endured incredible losses.

This first Taurus eclipse on 11/19/21 is ruled by Venus in Capricorn, soon stationing retrograde in a conjunction with Pluto, offering a prequel to significant financial themes which will continue to echo throughout the remainder of this eclipse cycle (through May 5th 2023). Interestingly, this eclipse cycle will encapsulate the final duration of Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius. I expect to see major financial themes develop during this time – primarily related to the wealth gap, the billionaire tax, fair wages and cryptocurrency. Striketober may be the tip of the iceberg; I suspect this movement will intensify as we progress within this cycle. What I would love to see is more incentives for billionaires to invest their wealth into sustainable ecological technologies so that we can begin to heal from additional traumas of ecological grief and existential uncertainty of the future. It’s my hope that the north node in Taurus – especially once conjunct to Uranus – can properly propel humanity into the Age of the Future, the one in which a future exists.  

With the magnitude of larger-than-life-itself issues facing us as a planet, I see the north node in Taurus reminding us to slow down, to become more deeply embodied and to harness sensuality as a form of radical healing. Never have I seen so many people on Twitter get so excited about a vibrator. The sex toy industry has sky-rocketed since the pandemic, and this is a trend I see continuing to flourish. In online circles, I’m already noticing more narratives around sex-positivity – abandoning shame and prudish conditioning to what our bodies naturally desire. I notice more influencers and professionals sharing their own pleasure practices more liberally. I see more people intentionally taking space from their Instagram feeds, logging off in favor of grounding in the organic experiences of being outdoors and not holding your breath to document every move. I see more folks being called to take up DIY crafts, which slows us down into the simple joys of being a human. Not everything has to be spectacular. How freeing is that? As it turns out, intentionally harnessing pleasure to drop us into the present moment is a potent healing tool.

On the subject of DIY, we also discussed the concept of shortages in my monthly meetup group, Cauldron. Scrappy Scorpio is incredibly resourceful, hip to repurposing, composting and refusing to let something go to waste. Up to 50% of Americans believe their jobs are “BS.” Our capitalistic frameworks naturally produces in excess. Will we really miss out? Or will inflation reel? Could shortages of food inspire more of us to farm and compost? To try our hand at making our own clothes?  The nodes are incredibly ravenous (especially Rahu) who will eagerly slurp up materials, perpetuating the shortage phenomenon. But what about Pestalotiopsis microspore, a fungi which can live off of plastic alone. Hopefully they are just as hungry as the dragon head.

Overall, I feel as if this upcoming series of eclipses (kicking it off strong with Algol), will inspire us to slow down, get our hands in the dirt, grounding into the pleasure of simplicity to help us navigate complexity and to create more time for the rituals which wholly sustain us.



Total Solar Eclipse: December 3rd/4t, 2021, 12°22’ Sagittarius

Our final eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius series arrives, wrapping up a frenetic collective journey of learning, unlearning and overt zealousness. This cycle began with a lunar eclipse on June 5th, 2020, cresting in the wake of George Floyd’s unjust passing, which ignited an urgently overdue collective conversation around institutionalized racism, the effects of colonialism and how to unlearn systemically ingrained biases. From cancel culture to cancelling cancel culture, to Bill Gates’ microchip agenda to horse de-wormers and “natural immunity,” the south node Sagittarius bandwagon of belief has rivaled the north node in multifaceted Gemini, which expanded principles of language, drove considerable attention to schools, education and how we connect. The collective conversation buzzed around pronouns, gender identity and the critical dissection of language. “Do your research,” they both chide. Chaotic? Yes. Teachers not only learned how to navigate remote learning, but they juggled the mask debate in schools, calmed down angry parents and are perhaps on the threshold of new education model break-throughs.

Our final eclipse in Sagittarius will attempt to summarize these themes. What have we learned? What was the significance or meaning? We are beginning to see insurrectionists both on trial and taking plea deals. Trump was born on a Sagittarius eclipse and has his MC conjunct Algol. Part of me wonders if these developments in his chart will be of public interest, but honestly, the other part of me has enjoyed largely ignoring this person this year. I cannot hide my personal biases, nor should I, however, I strive to interpret the astrology as objectively as possible, which is why I mention his chart at all. Jupiter rules the solar eclipse and aligns in a tense square with Mars in Scorpio. It’s been a contentious year in a tense climate with highly divided opinions. With Mercury conjunct the solar eclipse, combust and in detriment, I don’t see folks filtering themselves at this time! The truthbombs will be dropping, so be ready to hear how everyone really feels.

The Conclusion of the Gemini-Sagittarius series

On a personal level, other story lines are concluding. What has this eclipse cycle revealed in your consciousness? For our mutable angled friends, likely huge shifts have transpired in your life. Rest assured that the big changes and movements will slow their roll after this series’ echo concludes. Oftentimes, the final eclipse in the series offers some sort of conclusion – either by finding our footing or one last revelatory shift in perception.

I highly recommend keeping the schedule lighter, minimizing our commitments and stress levels – mostly so that we can remain receptive to the divine messages striving to reach us at this time. The eclipses are cosmic course correctors. Its as if the hands of fate, the universe or even our spirit guides have greater influence upon our lives at this time, ultimately assisting us to align with our destiny. Reaching our potential isn’t always an opportunity that falls in our lap, sometimes it’s learning the hard lesson now so that we can be in a space to receive the biggest blessings of our lives later on down the path. Trust the releasing process and remember that you are loved more than you could ever imagine.

Big Blessings,


Study the Power of Progressions with me.