Sagittarius Season INCOMMING! November 21st- 28th, 2021

Galactic Greetings!

Eclipse season is in full swing, initiating brand new themes which we will be working with individually and collectively for the next 18-months. This week, we see an influx of Sagittarian themes. Time to party like a centaur! Ok maybe not thaaat wild.


Astrology Watch

Sun enters Sagittarius - 11/21

Mercury enters Sagittarius - 11/24

Sun + Mercury conjoin south node

Vesta cazimi 11/27

Mercury cazimi sextile Saturn 11/28

Sagittarius Season is here! 11/21 – 12/21

The Sun’s progression into visionary Sagittarius from the depths of Scorpio is seen as an elevation from complexity and profound emotionality into a period of discovering new perspectives and reveling in the now-ness of life. Ruled by Jupiter, celebratory Sagittarius season provides the hot air balloon which raises us high above the clouds where our everyday concerns literally shrink.

Sagittarius season is a time of joy, generosity, and indulgence as we head into the holiday season. Think shopping, butter cookies, boozy Christmas beers and ridiculous blow-up lawn ornaments – but the archer’s season is also filled with immense gratitude. IMO, the origins of the Thanksgiving story are shaky – not merely because of the white-washed foolery, but because of the overt Jupiterian symbolism imbedded into this annual ritual. I am convinced that this holiday is and always was an occultist Jupiterian worship feast disguised as something less persecutory. Here’s my reckoning:

  •    Jupiter’s number is 4;

  • Jupiter’s day is Thursday

  • Thanksgiving always falls on the 4th Thursday of November

  • Thanksgiving always arrives on the first Thursday of Sagittarius season, Jupiter’s diurnal domicile

  • On Thanksgiving, we intentionally practice gratitude (ruled by Jupiter) and we feast

  • Jupiter rules excess and plentitude and bounty

  • The cornucopia, aka the horn of plenty, symbolizes the goat horn which nurtured baby Zeus on the island of Crete before he overthrew his father Cronos, but this phallic symbol also represents the God’s fertile life-giving prowess. Zeus fathered just about everyone on and around Mount Olympus. The fruits spilling forth represent the sowing of seeds and the true prosperity of life – full bellies, full pantries for the winter and a robust lineage – historically speaking, of course

  • The honoring of Jupiter at this time not only pays homage to the deity of abundance and blessings, but also hopefully ensures that Zeus will once again bless our harvest again next year


Sagittarius season encompasses the final eclipse in Sagittarius (for another 8 years), an intoxicating aphrodisiac potion near Neptune’s direct station, and the beginning of Venus retrograde. Looking forward to sharing more with you as we move forward!


Mercury enters Sagittarius 11/24

Inquisitive Mercury arrives in the big-idea sign of Sagittarius, where it’s easy to get lost in thought and we suddenly have so much we want to express all at the same time. Wide-eyed and slippery-tongued, the words whimsically tik-tok off the tongue, emerging slightly jumbled but hey – it’s the truth. Mercury in Sagittarius is when we become the most liberal with what constitutes as a legitimate word (Emailable is a word, right?). Sagittarius is a sign which craves freedom. We make up our own rules!

Despite the potential for over-sharing, a wild sparkle emits from this alignment, adding a whole new dimension to our imagination, language and the way we interpret the world. Life is a total ride!



Sun and Mercury conjoin south node 11/21-11/25

We already know how the sparks fly during eclipse season amidst cosmic course corrections and significant shifts on the world stage. Between 11/21-11/25, both the Sun and Mercury will energize the south node of the Moon, nudging significant developments in these personal and collective stories. If you didn’t catch your eclipse message yet, this is a potent window for in which it may be received. And if you do know what the storyline is, this is a catalytic period of development.

As the Sun aligns with the south node, it’s normal to feel more tired or drained than usual at this time -or- there may be a sudden readiness to let go of something we’ve been holding onto for a long time. We may see a notable leader, celebrity or figure step down or step back at this time. Since we are at the end of our Sagittarius sojourn, there is a lot of critique about the damaging effects of “cancel culture,” and yet, it doesn’t mean that we cannot have discourse. With Mercury’s presence we may see themes of verbal undoing, tell-all-expose’s or an egregious Twitter rant.


Mercury and Vesta cazimi sextile Saturn 11/27 + 11/28

After word-vomiting all over the south node earlier in the week, Mercury arrives in the heart of the Sun. Mercury’s cazimi in Sagittarius represents a highly insightful period, igniting passion, vision, intention and robust inspiration. Just shy of 7° Sagittarius, the cazimi arrives in a sextile to Saturn, offering further clarity, support and context for the future. Inspiration alone isn’t often enough to ground the vision into reality. Saturn can help make it so.  

Think back to August 1st, 2021, when we had a Mercury cazimi in a -square- to Saturn. The realizations may have been more jagged, but highly supportive, nonetheless. Was there a difficult lesson at this time or needing to bend to an unmovable obstacle? This time, we are meant to notice our progress, how well we have adjusted, and perhaps make new, more freeing or aligned adjustments.

Mercury’s philosophical cazimi in Sagittarius arrives hand-in hand with Vesta, goddess of the sacred flame.

This alignment will reflect what truly ignites us. How do we tend the sacred flame of inspiration? Are we walking the path in highest alignment with our moral code? In a world that moves so quickly, it often feels like we are forced to cut corners. Vesta’s alignment in the heart of the Sun invites us to reclaim our philosophical compass – but forgo assumed tameness. Make it both profound and playful. Imbue each act with a wild intentional aliveness.


Mercury cazimi: 1 pm ET- 11 am ET on 11/29

Vesta Cazimi: -11/27 4 pm – 11/28 7pm ET

Join me for our next module, The Power of Progressions, beginning on 1/23 with the next Mercury cazimi in Aquarius!

Big Blessings,
