Catherine Urban Astrology

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Astrology, Here and Now: October 1st-10th


​The Aries Full Moon occurs at 12⁰42’ of Aries, on October 5th, 2:40 pm EDT, as if to say:  

“Look how far I’ve come!”

The Aries Full Moon highlights our self-awareness, personal sovereignty, personal awareness and how one identifies themselves. It is Aries, the very first sign of the zodiac, who says, “I AM.”

Full Moons are periods of heightened energy, activity and a feeling of fullness, ripeness. So it is here and now, that we can see ourselves very clearly.

In the full-sized-mirror we have before us, we see where we might need to change.

Pluto squares the Sun and Moon, inferring the need to transform, peel, purge, prune and push forth. We’ve been working with the Plutonian force for the past week now, as the Lord of Death and Rebirth swung into forward motion. So, if you haven’t come to grips yet with releasing something outworn, you get another chance to do so now. Often we miss the offerings of evolution when we are too distracted. To become the Phoenix, you must first go deep, deep, deep… to go quietly and courageously inward.

The Sabian Symbol for the 13th degree of Aries made me gasp:

a bomb which failed to explode is now safely concealed

Perhaps this isn’t a literal bomb, but instead a hypothetical one. Let’s assume that this infers the diffusing a situation, or putting a stop to something before it gets worse.


Ready, set, GROW!

Venus overtakes Mars

All of a sudden, something clicks.

Venus meets up with Mars just hours before the Full Moon and says: “I know what I want and I know how to get it.” Thus, within the self-awareness of the Aries ​Full Moon, we are also seeding a new cycle around meeting our desires. Venus and Mars imply that something is outworn, as they square Saturn, and pressure us to UPDATE the current order.

“Here’s a new way of doing this,” or “this is more efficient,” or “This is an iPhone, Grandpa,”

We will be working with this energy through October 11th as these aspects tighten.​

In other news:

October 1st: Mars perfects its trine to Pluto. This aspect is about how we access our potential and are we using it properly?


October 3rd: Venus trines Pluto, which speaks of the quality and depth of how we relate with others. Align yourself with people who you can trust. Themes of resolving love-triangles and how we spend our money/resources. Investment, both emotional and financial.

October 4th: the Moon is void in Pisces from 3:20am-4:40pm EDT. This is not the nicest void. Might be a little fussy, cranky or “not feeling it.” Moon enters Aries at 4:40pm EDT and we feel much better.

October 8th: Sun conjoins Mercury in Libra. It’s going to be a very talkative day, and people just want to be heard. Pay attention to what you hear in the news and on the radio.

The Moon is VOID for the entire day (9:45am-9:44pm EDT), but it’s a nice void, under the influence of Venus. With the Moon in Taurus all day, I wouldn’t plan much because there’s a good chance we will feel extra lazy, restful and perhaps indulgent. If none of these apply, it’s still a good day to operate in fluid motion, so keep the schedule light.

October 9th: Pay attention to big reveals, information bubbling to the surface. The Sun and Mercury tighten their square to Pluto, wringing out more juicy tidbits in the collective and in our personal lives. What was shrouded in secrecy two weeks ago, we now have more of the story, more insight. Now what to do about it? Pluto is when you see something disturbing and you can’t erase the imprint in your mind. We can’t go back, we can only go forward, but not in the same way. Something must change now.  

Typical Plutonian symptoms to watch out for: intense feelings, compulsion, obsession, psychological inner musings, pulling out the decay, uprooting, illuminating, purging, cleansing, healing, depth, death, rebirth, transformation, intense focus.

October 10th: Jupiter enters Scorpio, echoing yet more Plutonian themes.


Aho Mitakyue Oyasin. You are all my family.

May we all be awakened to our heart, and align our hearts together to create a

New Earth, rooted in righteousness, love, equality, abundance and compassion for all.

Wahe Guru

​-Catherine O