Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in Air and Pandemics

CoVid19: From Earth to Air

(originally authored mid-April, 2020 and published in NCGR’s Memberletter, midspring 2020)

We all saw the aspects for January 2020. They certainly have not over-promised nor under-delivered, but who would have guessed that we would all be quarantined until further notice? I write to you from my desk, 8½ months pregnant with my first child. I know that most of us wish there were something else to discuss besides coronavirus; I wish there was something else I could write about for you all, but I felt it too impossible to gloss over. Besides, with so many significant planetary cycles seeding themselves around this event, its likely that this global pandemic will be remain a central topic for decades to come.

Dr. Lee Lehman, world-renowned astrologer noted for her expertise in medical, horary and mundane astrology has been covering the coronavirus outbreak from a mundane perspective. I highly recommend checking out her YouTube feature on Lada Duncheva’s channel titled “2020-2023 World Prediction. Current events, Economy, Changing Times. With Dr. Lehman.” Lee provides a sobering overview of the virus’ effects in China, Italy and the United States, as well as offer her predictions as to how this crisis will likely unfold. Based on various ingress charts for these prominent countries, she suggests that it’s likely that this story will play out over the next few years.

Interestingly, this 3-year timetable matches Saturn’s transit through the air sign of Aquarius. Even though some countries and states were already practicing “social distancing” prior to Saturn’s official Aquarius ingress on March 21st, 2020, most astrologers can agree that the symbolism here is strong: Saturn’s association with rules and boundaries, and Aquarius as one of zodiac’s most sociable and socially-conscious signs. In other words, social distancing is a marked manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius- a social responsibility whose success depends on collaborative efforts by all. The dark side of this transit? Between Aquarius as the “every-man,” and Saturn’s association with fear, it’s difficult not to notice the trepidation in people’s eyes, faces masked, as you cross paths in the grocery store. With alleged dormant symptoms, everyone has become a potential “enemy.”


Prior to Saturn’s Aquarius ingress, I speculated on this 3-year transit in my lecture at NCGR-NYC’s Fall conference (available through NCGR-NYC’s mp3 library). Even though Saturn only makes it through the first couple degrees of Aquarius in 2020, the transit highlights the potent degree of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (0°29’), exact on December 21st, 2020. My conjecture is that Saturn’s early arrival at this degree offers a preview, or the unrolling of events, which paves the way for what Jupiter/Saturn will initiate at that zodiacal point. Interesting that to the day of Saturn’s ingress, the government decides to mail us checks (very Aquarian). I pointed out in my lecture that then-candidate Andrew Yang’s chart is lighting up in a big way from these transits, and that while I didn’t think he would win the nomination, that his ideas for universal basic income could become very influential during this time. Indeed... As this degree remains hot for some time, likely the topic of social distancing will continue to reverberate.

As Jupiter and Saturn make their official leap into the 200-year air element cycle, our collective values seem to shift from accumulation (earth) to circulation (air). Billionaires have come under harsher scrutiny during this crisis. Statistics have shown that Jeff Bezos could donate $10k to everyone who’s lost their jobs and still have $8 billion. Meanwhile, Amazon employees have no choice but to risk their health. Many of our essential workers (like those in the Amazon warehouses) do not have healthcare or sick days afforded to them. Similarly, many who have lost their jobs have also lost their health coverage. Never has universal healthcare been more appealing. This crisis has demonstrated that health is a social issue. In other words, our health depends on the everyone else’s. These are the values of the air element: circulate opportunity so that we may all benefit.   

Pluto in Capricorn has uprooted a great deal of systematic ugliness. Jupiter recently made its first conjunction with Pluto, holding a magnifying glass to the carnage of corruption and inequality. At this point, “too big to fail” is an inflamed boil too big to ignore. Arriving at the peak of crisis here in the US, the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction functions as a piercing alarm signaling “system failure.” Likely, Jupiter will continue to amplify Pluto’s message (“death and rebirth”) over the loudspeaker for the remainder of 2020 before teaming up with Saturn in December to devise a fresh start. 

Some believe that since Jupiter and Saturn already conjoined in Libra in 1980 that the air cycle has already begun. But why not both? Dr. Lee Lehman mentions in the above-mentioned video that these dueling Jupiter/Saturn cycles in Earth and Air can account for the major disagreements between generations (namely, Boomers vs. Millennials). Those born during the Earth cycle might be inclined toward accumulation, saving possessions and collecting; meanwhile those born after 1980 lean toward minimalism. Our mementos are uploaded onto hard drives, we donate what is no longer needed, we are not collectors, and no mom, we do not want great-grandma’s china set. I like Lee’s perspective that both cycles are in place, but that once Jupiter and Saturn officially conjoin again in air, the old values of earth are officially dead. Air values mark the new way forward.

More proof that the air era has already begun? In my research, I discovered that the 200-year periods of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions in air coincide with global population decline, fall of empires, great thinkers and significant invention of ideas or tools that eventually become commonplace.  


Looking at 403 BCE-185 BCE, we find ourselves in the Hellenistic era: Greek mathematics merging with Egyptian cosmological calendrics to produce the astrology we continue to practice today. This period also birthed the beginning of modern medicine and is reputed for its flourishing of theatre, art, philosophy and science. The faculties of the human mind (air element), the progress of humanity (Aquarian), social etiquette (Libra) and learning (Gemini) become of a greater value. Just prior to the beginning of the air era, Athens suffered the Plague of Athens (430-426 BCE) – noted as one of the greatest losses of life in Ancient Greece, which led to the breakdown of Athenian society. Since so many were dying, people began spending their savings (earth to air) and disregarding the law and social norms because tomorrow is no longer promised. Physicians were in closest contact with the ailing and therefore died. Lack of information about how to treat illness arguably led to the emphasis and development of scientific research in the Hellenistic era.

The next air era spanned from 332 AD- 670 AD. As Athens fell, so does fall the Holy Roman Empire during this period. The Plague of Justinian is said to have wiped out 10% of the world’s population (542-541, with periodic flareups until 750). Killing up to 5000 people per day at its peak, Europe wouldn’t see an epidemic this fatal until the following air era, the Black Death. But before we jump ahead, this period is noted for the migration (air, circulation, movement) of peoples. From the Hunns, to the Goths, the Germanic invasions of peoples spurred the movements of peoples throughout Europe, redrawing national lines and redefining empires. A characteristic of the earth element is borders, while air diffuses such boundaries.

Jumping into the next air period from 1186-1405 AD, we have a period of invention in Europe: windmills, paper, the magnetic compass, glasses, scissors and our beloved astrolabe is reconstructed during this period. And of course, we have the Bubonic Plague which devastated Europe. Estimated to have killed 30-60% of Europe’s population (up to 200 million lives), the global population was reduced by about 100 million people. Interestingly, the plague had many names, but the “Black Death” is named so by a Belgian astronomer/astrologer who correlated the plague’s arrival with a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction. Saturn is associated with the color black, and before we had Pluto, Saturn was the grim reaper of death.

Overall, the plagues redistributed resources (earth to air): poorer countryside folk moved into the cities and rooted down in empty upper-class dwellings, and “the wages of ordinary farmers and craftsmen had doubled and tripled, and nobles were knocked down a notch in social status.”[i] Fortunately Covid19 isn’t as deadly as the Black Death, but might we see a future where “essential workers,” are treated as such?

Since our last Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Libra, credit cards and digital exchange of currency has become the most popular method of payment (earth to air). It’s common for people to go cashless nowadays. PayPal made it easy to transfer money over the internet, and now we have Cashapp, Venmo and hey- also, crowdfunding! The 1980’s featured the AIDS pandemic, a crisis that still takes its devastating toll today. We have also seen a chain of smaller epidemics such as SARS, swine flu, bird flu and ebola. As far as invention goes, I’d say that the iPhone is the most revolutionary invention so far in our newly seeded air paradigm, but it’s exciting to consider what other life-changing inventions might arrive on the scene. To me, it’s already very apparent that we live in a time of transition from earth to air. Look at the ways in which technology has advanced our lives in the past 40 years. Who knows how this transition will unfold within our lifetime (or in the next 200 years), but if we follow the pattern, its likely that CoVid19 will shape significant cultural, political and economic changes due to occur.

It’s true. Capricorn has been a well-occupied earth sign as of late. 2020 features significant cycles beginning in Capricorn, but we also see a new emphasis on the air element this year. On May 5th, 2020, the north node shifts into the air sign of Gemini. Thus, eclipses are now invited to wake-up this region of the zodiac for the next 18 months or so. Further, Venus spends roughly four months out of the year in Gemini (due to retrograde motion).


With a newfound awareness of the air we breathe, the symbolism of Gemini is already palpable. Gemini rules the lungs. Indeed, the very symptom that makes CoVid19 so scary is the fluid buildup in the lungs. Here we have a virus which spreads through the air, or spit particles from communication. This pandemic currently affects how we socialize, how children learn, how we shop at the grocery store, and will continue to influence how we connect and socialize for (at minimum) the remainder of the year. Are the days of shaking hands over? Gemini rules the hands and arms. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the messenger deity who has jurisdiction over markets and sales – just think about all of the jobs affected!

We usually “get” the message of the eclipse cycle as the nodes approach the end of their journey through each pair of signs. As the nodes conclude in Cancer/Capricorn, it’s interesting that these corresponding themes of “self-care,” and “boundaries,” are making a final grandstand. For the past 18 months, we’ve collectively aimed to balance a toxic burn-out culture. I must say that I’m partially relieved to be home right now after burning the candle at both ends for so long. And perhaps there are many others like me who are finding the gratitude in the pause. I wonder how this gentler pace will influence the way millions return to work.

What else might we experience with the nodal shift into Gemini and Sagittarius? A definite emphasis on information. Gemini and Sagittarius deal with the communication of ideas, concepts, perspectives and beliefs. Gemini offers a multidimensional perspective, versatility of the mind, innovative thought and a curiosity to try a fresh angle. The trouble is that it’s difficult to get clear answers. In an era of endless information, it can be difficult not to get overwhelmed with data. The south node in Sagittarius represents the need to let go of being right, of having all the answers, and to move away from dogma or overzealous positions on the issues. Perhaps we are invited to open our minds to new possibilities, without needing to define permanent solutions just yet.   

Moving away from the expansiveness of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, travel might be restricted or discouraged (south node in Sagittarius). With Jupiter travelling through Saturn ruled signs through the end of 2021, I’d say the symbolism fits. Mercury has a preference for smaller parcels. We’ve got to keep our juggle to a minimum - less trips to the store, less people in a crowd, less on the agenda. What a way to shift our perspective on life!

Venus’ retrograde in social Gemini should help to answer the question of “how long will this last?” While our relationship planet is retrograde, she is moving slow, insinuating pause. We will not flip a switch and return to the way we are accustomed to socializing, but instead, it will be a slow (like Venus). In China, businesses have already begun to reopen, but slowly. Restaurants have a smaller capacity limit and reservations are required to prevent overcrowding. Perhaps in some parts of the world, Venus retrograde represents a cautious readiness to return to “normal” – from rescheduling weddings (attire: gloves and face-masks) and sporting events (at half-capacity?), to meeting up with friends and family in real life (are hugs allowed?), Venus retrograde in Gemini will likely represent a period of trial-and-error in figuring out how to safely resume some sense of normalcy in the way we connect.


***The aforementioned lecture on Saturn in Aquarius was also delivered to my local organization, LCAA. Recording is available for purchase upon email request***


Catherine Urban (NCGR-PAA IV) is the author of Your Astrological Cookbook: the Perfect Recipe for Every Sign. She lives in Cleveland Ohio, where she writes, teaches and consults. Connect with Catherine on Instagram or Twitter @astrocatherine  



[i] https://gen.medium.com/how-the-black-death-radically-changed-the-course-of-history-644386f5b803