Scorpio New Moon + Book Updates!

Scorpio New Moon: 10/27/19, 11:39 pm ET, 04° ♏︎25’


New Moons are often periods of lower energy, drawing us inward, but there is nothing chill about this Scorpio New Moon (especially here in the US). Over the next two weeks, we can expect eye-opening reveals, intensity, and tension as we work around these sudden changes. Opposite shock-and-awe Uranus and in the midpoint of Mars/Venus (both debilitated by sign), this New Moon promises that we exit the comfort zone in order to grow. Mars rules the New Moon and squares off with Saturn— there is work to be done and it’s time to see things for what they are. Is what you’re fighting for truly supportive? (See yesterday’s post). In the next two weeks, we can certainly expect the unexpected in our personal lives and in the world.

Here in the US, Mars aligns with the angle of the chart, strengthening the war god’s stance. As I look at this chart, Trump announces that ISIS (let’s change that name, ok?) leader is killed (sounds like the perfect stunt he needs right now as impeachment gets green light). Mars would be the attack and Trump is Uranian (fits the chart like a glove), but I also notice the exact inconjunct from Mars to Neptune— we aren’t getting the full story here, folks. The ascendant of this chart is 29° Cancer, which tells us there’s a sense of urgency about this chart— around emotional security, home, family, or in a mundane chart, the homeland.

The next two weeks promise excitement, unrest (watch the protests in Santiago and Hong Kong), and perhaps sudden endings. I know it sounds grim, but not to worry, Scorpio is a resilient sign and doesn’t go down easily. It’s about changing the form to endure. Watch where you are invited to change in the next two weeks. 🦂🕸🦋🐍

The Final Countdown



I can’t believe it. One year ago, I received an email that would change my life. And now, just one week from today, my book will be available in stores across the country. Who knew?!

You still have a few days left to pre-order Your Astrological Cookbook, and enter to win a free reading with me! Just send me a screenshot of your receipt to enter.

Or win a free copy of Your Astrological Cookbook by tagging your friends or helping me to spread the word about my book launch on your story!

Stunning photo by @brookewittdesign

Book Release Parties + Book Signing:

  • Cleveland, West Side: Coven 11/16/19

  • New York City: The Quest Bookshop 11/22/19

  • Cleveland, East Side: Barnes & Noble 12/14/19

Check my EVENTS page for more details!