Electional Astrology: Births, Inductions + Cesareans

Electional Astrology: Births, Inductions + Cesareans


Congratulations! You are about to meet your new soul mate!

You’re here because you a) understand enough about how astrology works to know how it will reflect in your child’s life; and b) you love your child tremendously and want to gift them the best birth chart possible.

Electional Astrology, or Inceptional Astrology, is rooted in the idea that every person - and every thing has a birth chart. In the same way that our birth charts (cast at the moment we take our first breath) describe our lives and circumstances, the chart of a new endeavor can have the same power of influence. Astrologers then choose the best chart //moment in time which will optimize the success of your endeavor.

Many people use electional astrology to launch their website, get married or depart on an important trip. For many folks, electing the birth of a child may seem controversial: how much are we truly in control? Indeed, the birth of a new soul on this planet feels echelons above the powers of an astrologer. We are mere mortals, after all. Family Astrology proves (in my humble opinion) that we will get our birth chart - no matter what happens.

My take on it is this:

Why couldn’t an astrologer be just as much a part of your child’s birth story as the receptionist who schedules your induction at “random?” If our children truly choose us, then wouldn’t they know that consulting an astrologer might be part of your plan?

Working within the recommended dates by your doctor or midwife, as well as consulting the natal charts of the parents, I will help you narrow down the best days to induce and which days we might try to avoid. That said, so much about the birthing process is unpredictable - anything can change at any time. Babies truly have their own plan. We understand that whatever happens in the birthing process is part of your child’s very first autonomous act: to be born when they choose.

As a mother, I have been there, agonizing about what the planets are doing as the due date nears. Many times, we are fortunate enough for labor to induce naturally, but for those of us who know enough about astrology and who are asked to choose a date for a cesarean, it can go beyond an hourly or daily convenience! This service is offered to help you choose a date, give you some peace of mind while leaving all the rest up to fate.

This service is offered via email exchange. You will receive a list of the top 2-3 dates and time windows to choose from as well as the dates I would avoid (if possible!) complete with written explanations.

I understand that this type of question is sometimes very urgent. If this is the case, I will do my best to accommodate you ASAP. Otherwise, please allow up to 10 days to receive your response.

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